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Wellness series- Jenna Mueller

Updated: Nov 15, 2021

Jenna Mueller

Yoga & Pilates Instructor

Health & Wellness Enthusiast

Podcast Host of The Jenna-Rlly Speaking Podcast

Tell us your story... (how you got into yoga & well-being)

It all started with my mom! Growing up she was such a good role model when it came to exercising regularly and incorporating mindful practices into our lives including healthy eating, gardening fresh produce, being outdoors in nature and limiting screen time. She took me to my first yoga class when I was 13 and I remember connecting with one of the yoga teachers and wanted to be just like her when I grew up. I was a competitive gymnast for 15 years and yoga was something I always tried to incorporate into my training. Yoga was there during stressful periods of my life, including university, getting my first full time job, and it's what I turned to when I was laid off my corporate job. During that timeI decided to go for my yoga teacher training and never looked back. I got an amazing internship in Chicago with a celebrity fitness trainer as her personal assistant and she taught me everything I know about the health and wellness industry. I can't thank her enough for how hard she made me work and how much she pushed me out of my comfort zone to teach infront of a large group of people. After that internship I decided to travel- I moved to Australia for what I thought would be a quick 6 month working-holiday and 3.5 years later Im living here in NZ teaching yoga and pilates at my dream studio- Mahana Yoga Loft. I cannot imagine my life without has transformed my mind, body, and soul in the most amazing ways possible.

What does your morning routine usually look like?

It's a bit detailed! 5am wakeup and drink my large hydro flask filled with water next to my bed. HYDRATION IS KEY! Next is my tongue scraping/ skin routine- I LOVE my tongue scraper.. it's a game changer! I recommend everyone get one to help eliminate waste and bacteria from your body! Drink a Warm lemon and Apple Cider Vinegar Drink Get ready to teach my morning yoga or pilates class Prepare a black coffee or cacao (depends on how I'm feeling) 10-15 minute guided meditation in stillness while I sip my hot drink 6am I start teaching either a yoga or pilates class depending on the day. of the week After my first morning class I head to the beach for a quick surf, grounding beach walk or run, my daily ocean swim, and reset for my next morning class!

What are some wellness practices you consciously implement into your day to day?

I swear by my daily ocean swims.. rain or shine! It's my non-negotiable. I also have to have a warm lemon water to help wth my hydration and digestion first thing in the morning... then a coffee.- full of antioxidants and so many health benefits right?;) LASTLY- I move my body every single day because it feels good! Whether its a simple beach walk, a pilates flow, or a fiery yoga sculpt practice I make sure to schedule this time as a sacred appointment with myself because I'm a better person after it!

What inspired you to create your podcast?

I decided to finally put my expensive journalism degree to use and make my parents proud! Haha jk.. but it's something I was inspired to do during lockdown as I began recording guided meditations for my friends and family back home to listen to during a difficult time. It was a way to reach people and connect. I've met so many inspiring and ambitious people during these past few years I've been away from home and wanted a way to connect the dots and share the experiences and lessons I've learned during this time. I believe we all have something to teach each-other- which is why the podcast brings together inspiring individuals in the health and wellness space to create a conversation about what makes them tick. There is something so magnetic when talking to someone about what they are truly passionate about.. I love watching their eyes light up. That is why I am doing this podcast- To share simple tricks and tips that I've picked up along the way from others so people can live healthier and happier lives.

What’s one goal you are working towards this year?

I have two goals for this year!

1) To keep producing content for my podcast and create a wider audience and following of the Jenna-Rlly Speaking Podcast! I want to keep growing the audience, interviewing rad humans in the health and wellness space, and keep connecting people through this space! I love networking! 2) Launching United State of Flow - a space for creating online classes, yoga/pilates gear, and content that are accessible to anyone.. anywhere! I want to share a piece of my personal practice of yoga, pilates, and mindful movement to everyone I've met along my journey. How can people get in touch with you!?

Follow me on instagram: @jennamuellerfitness or send me an email

And lastly what’s your favourite maverick swim bikini?? THE BLUE INDY! So cute, love the colour and fits just right in all the right places!

Jenna Kristine Mueller Yoga. Pilates. Health & Wellness Shop Jennas look below!

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